Easycare easyboot transition
Easycare easyboot transition

easycare easyboot transition

So I thought I would try to get this going again by posting something/anything. None of us have posted anything in quite awhile. They placed 3rd out of 42 riders in the pleasure division. We had alot of fun and Curly and I even won the open division.Ĭurly and I heading out with our group to the starting point of the ride.Įnjoying watching my good friend, Nancy on Rose, sidepass over the log. And I even saw some other booted horses which is still a rare thing to see here in the Puget Sound area.

easycare easyboot transition

The Gloves worked very well on the diverse trail conditions at this trail system and then never hinder us while riding through the obstacles. They are me favs too- I love how stream line they are with no hardware and the aggressive tread of them!

easycare easyboot transition

My horse, Curly, was booted up in his all time favorite boots, the Gloves.

easycare easyboot transition

It was a fun day for all as we rode together in our small groups and then could enjoy watching our friends compete in each obstacle. The Lone Wolf course was 7.2 miles long and was on some beautiful trails that had 8 obstacles thrown in along the way that we were judged on. Actha also offers a buddy division where folks can just ride along with their friends but not compete or do the obstacles. There are 3 divisions-open/advanced, pleasure/beginner and then a junior division. When at each obstacle we are timed and then judged on how well we ride through the obstacle, 10 pts for the horse and then 10 pts on the riders. ACTHA rides are not a over all timed event except for at the obstacles. They were all there for the first ACTHA (American Competitive Trail Horse Association) ride of the year in our area. With alot of excitment a large group of 62 riders met on a cold morning on March 19th, to compete in the Lone Wolf CTC at Dansville-Georgetown Trail System, near Maple Valley, Washington.

Easycare easyboot transition